I (31f) just found out my husband (34m) lost $600K in Donald Trump stock. How can I get him to stop before he loses everything?
What would cause AST of 400 ALT only 50 and GGT and bilirubin normal. I’m worried my partner has hepatitis. If he does, what are the chances of catching it through each mode of sex? I’m vaccinated against b, does that lower transmission odds?
Found out about PA less than 3 months after our wedding
Porn in marriage
IDK anymore feel like giving up
It’s genuinely surprising to me that people generally don’t see it as cheating/betrayal.
Can you choose which companies shares you invest super in if you have a self managed fund in Australia?
Husband spent almost the whole night at a wedding talking to the one woman.
I feel a lot of women need to hear this…
Had a discussion with a relative today on whether abuse justifies cheating.
What’s the secret to a happy marriage?
interesting read on how most older men lust after younger women under a delusion setting.
At what age do most people stop wanting to have sex?
What is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
Porn use and sulking.
Did any wives of PAs get extremely mad ( like fly off the handle mad) when they found out?
Porn has killed my marriage and how I see my husband
Husbands watches onlyfans
Question to the divorcees of cheaters