Updated my Player II Tele with new pickguard, bridge, pickups, and electronics
Some eggs with black and white puddings in my cast iron
Reel to reel machine needs repair
[Master voting thread] Post where you voted and how long it took!
Question: Do all bi-people own a sword or other weapon of that sort?
What album were you listening to on this?
Home sick and watching some of my favorites
The Tick Deserved More Seasons!
New bass day! Fender player P-Bass in Tidepool
That's a nope
My new Player II in Cherry Burst
First telecaster
Ready for parts!
What do you folks use to light your pipes?
Bought a silver spigot 999 at the Peterson store in Dublin
Me and my new Peterson
Did you learn anything from an Encyclopedia Brown that stuck with you?
Looking to get into pipe smoking
If you could only smoke one blend/straight for the rest of your life, what would be your pick?
would you buy new pressings if you already own the album?
Pipe Clenching
English blend mail call
What bands have you collected the full studio discography?