Is this gyno or male breast cancer
What do you guys think about Danny Goler and his discovery people can see alien Matrix code on surfaces whilst on DMT and shining lasers on the surface, and everyone is seeing the same thing
What kind of system do I need to run AI locally
How do I charge for a commercial cleaning job?
When working as a private contracter how soon do you get paid?
In a world with so much information, what do you need to know off the top of your head?
Tell me if this is a good buisness idea
What on earth is going on here
Looking for a group that hosts beginner friendly sessions
Got a group of friends who run casual Arma 3 ops every Sat always looking for new people.
Looking for fellow Arma 3 pc players for Antistasi game mode playing as the Vietcong
Help on porting a custom map into Antistasi Ultimate
Looking to find a team for a Antistasi Ultimate server
Newbie question (How do i make a unit use the phalanx stance?)
Is this just glitched?
Looking for players on PC
Can’t create account on DMV site. Anyone else have problems with this?
can someone help {im new}
What is the current model name for GPT 4
Current name for gpt 4 for using the API in python script
Cant connect to HTTP server using pwnbox
Would people have more unique music tastes if they tried diverse genres of music? Or is popular music popular because many people simply like it?
Sub reddit for help with small personal project?