What was your worst birthday experience?
People of Reddit, do y’all like the taste of hershey’s chocolate bar? If not, what does it taste like to you?
What's the worst part about being a Woman?
What TV Show had the worst ending?
Women of Reddit, what’s something you wish men would stop doing altogether?
LGBT people of Reddit who don't identify with the community, how come?
Gen Xers, tell me about the worst person you ever dated?
Just-in case you need some herpes...
Veronica's love interest Justin that has HERPES
People who changed their legal name (could be first, last or even both): why did you do it?
Are your votes wasted if you are not voting in the two party system? Will an independent ever win? Why or why not?
What is something that a stranger has said to you that you will never forget?
People who prefer to use headphones over earbuds why ?
What caused you to have depression?
Conservatives of reddit, what is something non-political that liberals need to hear?
What do you miss about quarantine?
What’s the most gatekeep-y opinion you hold?
I'm pro-choice, and I think abortion should be legal in certain situations. I'm just tired of people lying about the reality of it. At least acknowledge the truth of what you are doing.
Already watched this 10 times this morning
The Supreme Court has overturned Roe V. Wade. How do you feel?
Americans of Reddit who don’t believe gun control prevents mass shootings, why and what do you believe would be an appropriate solution? [Serious]
You suspect someone you don't like has a crush on you. What true fact about yourself do you reveal to kill their interest?
afraid to commit to a relationship because she got herpes
Take The ACE Quiz — And Learn What It Does And Doesn't Mean
What is a red flag from an employer that people might not immediately recognize as a red flag?