record from websdrs
I might have found the most useless jewel. Thanks Trial of Chaos!
Updated my set up yay or nay?
10 lbs gained in 8 months and I feel like you can barely tell :( 5’2 F 31
Trade search filter seems wrong in calculating/sorting by phys damage?
what is the max dps possible for spark?
Issue Opening RFNoC Example File: rfnoc_radio_loopback.grc
finished my first draft of my cyberdeck this week. thoughts?
Amulet price check?
Was macht so ein Kabel bei uns im Luftschutzkeller?
Hilfe beim Zusammenbau!
Need Help Identifying this Antenna
Rlaarlo, two new models
Looking for something similar to bladeRF 2.0 micro xA9
SDR AD9361
Quick Phone+Keyboard CyberDeck
What do you think of the old "Cyberdecks"?
Would this be 5+5 or 5+1 power charges?
Design/build progress
What are your thoughts on the Mecha Comet at CES 2025?
Mir wurde dieser PC für 300€ angeboten.
I need a cyber deck idea I have a 3.5 Tey and raspberry pi 3 b v1.2 I need a cyberdeck case I have a3d printer but idk what kind I want any help is appreciated
Well shit lol
Need guide
Holy shiiii🫣