help me
Hopeful Dryad - Signature Version
Ashamane - Signature Version
A new Hearthstone card has disturbing lore implications - was Shaladrassil a corrupted prediction of Amirdrassil?
I am glad they added an option to hide, because this thing is terrifying
that poor whale
Hearthstone with the prediction
With This Expansion Focusing on the Emerald Dream/Nightmare, You Think The Mini Set will Focus on This Fiery Boy?
Into the Emerald Dream keyart
Blizzard reveals their plan to balance Druid
It's all about presentation
Aviana, Elune's Chosen - Signature Version
Ysera preorder hero skin, Do you guys like it? Is there a gameplay video about it?
**Signature look of superiority**
New Shaman Legendary revealed: Merithra
Classic Blizzard
How do you feel about the Choose One keyword being available to classes other than Druid?
New Card Revealed - Raptor Herald
Here are all of today’s Emerald Dream expansion announcement reveals!
New Dk Legend—Ursoc
Journey Into the Emerald Dream | Expansion Announcement | Hearthstone
New Card Reveal: Ysera, Emerald Aspect
Chromie when she sees an enemy overextend while her Temporal Loop is ready
This is why assassin mains should avoid solo healing as Alexstrasza, we get more preoccupied with getting kills than healing our team!
I've always been jealous that my father had Rhok'delar on his hunter from original vanilla. Now I finally get to say I experienced earning the bow for myself!