I feel like I'm stealing
If you liked Trump coin at $70 I have a hell of a deal for you
What do you think?
Lost 300 lbs and need advice on a routine to build muscle mass for my physique
box combo
Chip in the comments like
Will you take a 47k a year Python Programmer job if you had to stay there for 3-5 years?
Does finasteride decrease free testosterone?
I'm so tired of losing and getting bm'd or told i'm dogshit.
God forbid a girl wants a stable relationship
My buddy said maps are hard and I asked for his build. He sent me this
How all r/LetGirlsHaveFun users look ❤️ Head Canon
The so called crafting System. I miss Alterations.
This is absolutely insane
Just got robbed
Rare Rampage L
After 311, we will be no longer using Khabib as the measuring stick for GOAT status. Islam has raised the bar higher.
Louisiana lawmakers pass income and corporate tax cuts, raising statewide sales tax to pay for it
Why did the hippo industry never take off here? 🦛
Can’t tell if this is vandalized or just a very sassy Wikipedia page
Begginer dumbbell bench press
Why will this not work
Am I the only one that think Jon can beat Tom?
Bum most muscular
DC reaction to 18 unanswered back of the head shots..... Charles is a dog for not complaining but this is how fighters end up like Prichard colon....