Art of beck
The anaemic in her screaming? DOES SHE THINK ICE CREAM IS A RICH SOURCE OF IRON? Dr. Lynn 140 IQ
Suddenly everyone thinks this is a fake breakup again??
Waking up with a broken heart, full day of eating with calories, and weigh in MEGATHREAD
Who does this reactor dislike?
We're getting an Autism (self) Diagnosis
Livestream Notes last night???
Random theory if Amber ever got arrested
Amber should address Beck’s video
The vlog where my girlfriend breaks up with me and I start spiraling MEGATHREAD
Most *cringe* moment of all time?
Amber and Boogie2988 share a remarkably similar story
who’s the author y’all think?
Crumbl Cookie
New Banner Poll
Shutting down mentally and sharing emotional childhood photos MEGATHREAD
New Banner Vote!
Refusal to address being creepy
I’m not ok, stepping in the scale, and what I ate today flop MEGATHREAD
OMFG BECKS NEW KK VIDEO.. confirmed wiping 🧻 ALR for yearrrrrs.. who wipes her now?
Taking my third semaglutide shot, cook with me, huge grocery haul and anxious for my weigh in MEGATHREAD
What ordinary thing would kill Amber?
Gorls supporting Gorls?