Loser city friend group
Ranking characters on how gay they are
Losercity Hero
Some crimson fists fighting word bearers that I drew
which favorite charater is this?
Did the blood improve or made it worse
Favorite Character that barely appeared for 30 seconds.
What is a good way to explain lack of gender norms in a warrior culture in a realistic low fantasy setting?
Feeling like a conditional friend
Fairy Fountain
Saturn 2 - Constant print failure, sticking to FEP
I'm so tired of being cold
i need to know if im in the wrong, im so confused
You’re such a good friend —— you know?
I am scared of women
Juno is now in loserworld
Losercity Art I made
Terrain building on Lego!
Anyone wanna jak me? (Iam trying again lol)
“That is one ugly bug...” - CC-2224 ‘Cody'
Badass heroic entrance of General Grievous boarding the sinister Jedi Master Eeth Koth's Star Destroyer
Official Losercity mobile game ad