Longtime bread machine users, weigh in!
Nothing makes me more worried for the future of humanity
Strawberry Tips
Free 10 panel skirt with pockets and inner waistband
Songs about Nuclear War or The Apocalypse.
Pretty looking bathroom spray?
Help! I forgot/didn't realize I needed to cover my Irises to protect them from freezing :-(
What's a fun movie that makes you go "fuck yeah!" but also ideally has a strong emotional core?
Anyone ever been to the Rose City dog show? What’s it like?
Which is your favorite Bingo quote?
Want to do a free movie night for my neighborhood
Bed bound and in agony 😭 I need movies and I'm struggling to find any that look decent
Lady Aberlin just took the gloves off
Which Lyrics of a song you love do you scream everytime?
I feel like this living/kitchen/dining is almost too open. How would you tastefully/efficiently change it?
Extra hot and cold faucets on the wall several feet below sink? NYC apartment.
Is anyone else disillusioned with the allure of handmade pottery after you started in the hobby?
Snowing in Alabama? Time to Snow Wash!
Italian Arum invasion
Help!!! Cleaner used on granite left streaks everywhere and no matter what I try I can’t get it off!
Take 5.
Question for the cooks about being ready for dinner - AITA? (from the non-cook)
Least favorite garment trends?
Are there any great lesser-known detective shows?
How Can Meal Prepping Contribute to a More Sustainable Future?