Close One!
Idiot, time to wake up m___________
Dangers oh having a skip in your step (Not Mine)
Me and my brother. Then And Now.
Please don't do that. Please stop. Stop that right now!
Please don't do that. Please stop! the feet positioning is making me wanna puke.
EMSK to watch just one season of this show if you are thinking about marrying and having children.
So how difficult is it to learn Polish?
If Venom Had A Sister (cosplay)
Put your hands on the steering.......nevermind.
Irish man left a funny recording on the coffin at his funeral!
WhatCouldGoRight. Irish man left a funny recording on the coffin at his funeral!
She's Got Muscles In Places I Don't Even Have Places!
EMSKR: What should every boy-man know about moving out of his parent's house for the first time?
Ah, the very rare Scottish snort. Did you know that when a red head snorts a line of coke it's called a ginger rail?
Looters! Dude at the end got himself a nice little TV, just couldn't figure out how to get it pass the gate. (btw, If you don't know why these were idiots nearly dying, you need to leave this sub.)
emily hartley
EMSK how to make this instant life jacket.
Like no one is watching.......
Super Duper Dude
Made A Leather Corset
Tasty Sweet Sour Summer Berries Sunset