What is the most satisfying thing for my tank mains?
What was the point
Anyone else think that these 2 deserve their own unique team up?
I cant help but feel that they should be swapped.
As a tank main it is hard for me to admit...
How to remember it’s just a game
Sometimes you just want to mess around with 6 tanks
Stop playing ranked if you’re not gonna play competitively.
As a support main, who are the EASIEST players to heal?
Genuinely curious, why would you pick Black Widow over Hawkeye? It just seems that Hawkeye does more damage without the need to reload with better abilities.
Rate my depth! This is actually an improvement for me. Any glaring issues in form?
OTK in only 7 mana with Rogue new cards
Healer Main and I'm Exhausted already..
What do you think my body fat % is?
Whenever Moon Knight is locked in for my team.
340 pounds
405lbs deadlift for 5 at 155lbs. Tips on form?
Anyone tried this yet?
Should I fight more next time? 500 dead 475 before
26M, I want to look more masculine
I adopted this little guy. What breed is he?
I might get hated, but this is my TOP10 decks EVER. What's yours???
Sunday pump day 32 6 foot 195
NYE Decades themed party. Which outfit should I go with?
I have to have one right?