$3200 Ambulance Bill from NAVAC
Deck on a treadmill - reaching 10,000 steps is much less tedious
Seems like a good time to be allergic to eggs with the prices now, right?
How much use do you get out of your Steam Deck while having a gaming set up?
Dads with toddlers, are we still all buying them magnatiles?
Why can dads not hear the baby monitor???
I came, I read, and I read some more Halo...
I'm looking to get my husband a server rack as a present. I need help finding one.
Who do you give access to your nanny camera (Grandma, Babysitters etc ) ?
What video game character had the most tragic ending?
What album is so good you can listen all the way through with no skips?
Those alive during 9/11, what was the worst moment on that day?
So, what book is “accidentally” falling behind the couch today?
8M old daughter has tons of food allergies
Plex Dads - how much storage do you have?
What minivans are y’all driving? They all seem like they have their potential dealbreaker cons
Never buy the SG-1100
My dog stinks like poop and we don't know why.
What are your favourite free or cheap games to play
Gamer dads, how do you balance family and gaming?
PSA if your toddler won’t eat meat, try white fish.
What games yall currently playing??
Should I latch my toddler's door at night?
How do you document your homelab?
6 month old is winning the No Sleep Battle. Wife & I are feeling defeated and exhausted.