How does someone who is 33 make friends? I’ve not spoken to anyone outside of work other than my parents since the pandemic.
The stormfather
Elon Musk Nazi Art in Italy.
LVO Changes
Love this Scene
The average cloud weights over 1 Million pounds
Does an operative get obscured if it is on "TOP" of an heavy terrain
Does the city salt any portions of the Genesee River Trail?
Climb and HookGrot
Emblem Consistency
Is there actual evidence for the common statement that much of the division and online rage in the West is caused by Russian and Chinese manipulation?
Flexing our muscles on the I-90/SR 18 interchange project
What are all the streams for the World Championships of Warhammer: Kill Team?
What does "before terror level check" for a slow power mean?
Infinite has the best sentinel beam no contest
Skin care products in context of rocket artillery...
After weeks on the sidelines I finally bought my first team because I thought they looked cool - but I was bummed when I got home and read that recent updates have made it bad :( Is it worth building or should I swap it?
The groups for the $1,100 StarCraft Evolution League Fall Championship have been drawn! Who do you think will advance to the playoffs?
Fellas is it ok to move terrain when it blocks your charge?
Starting a dark mechanicum project
Why am I recommended r/pics on every Reddit account?
Kitbashed my Blooded Enforcer
Kill Team – Managing the Range of Kill Teams in the New Edition
October 2024 Tournament Stats
u/subthings2 explains (quite possibly literally) everything there is to know about the correlation between werewolves and silver (with sources)