Y'all 👀
The year is 1998… You can only pick two games.
Director Jesse at your service
My TR tier list
Unified Lara Croft 🫠
Comment as if the Resident Evil 4 universe is real
Duke is in Rad Rodgers?
The one person who doesn't play about Cassie Cage in kharacter customizations
Help me decide which game to play next!
Mirror World
Some Random Control Shots
I asked Chatgpt...
This is a huge mess Lmao
Holy... This looks good 🤤
If you don’t play duke nukem 3d
Hate for Quan Chi is strong with this one 🥴
The first word that comes to mind when you see these two games
laughing maniacally
Guess I'm stuck in a CyberLoop 🫠
I'd definitely watch this movie with my heartbeat 😩
Hail to the king's Platinum, baby!!!
Take Control
Where to buy Deus Ex, the first game in the series?
It's Nukin time
General Shao edit