My parents have a 30 year age gap, AMA
A Cool Guide To The Suicide Scale
My Dad used adhesive plastic sheeting in the 80’s to keep the heat in and the bills down. I remember helping him seal the plastic with my hairdryer.
Sound distortion
Some positivity: my dysacusis/sound distortion has improved significantly
Which do you prefer and why dogs or cats?
Does dysacusis go away with time? I am incredibly anxious
Facebook is making people automatically follow Donald Trump.
Tinnitus and balding are all it took for me to turn in my life at 23
Tinnitus and balding are all it took to turn in my life at 23
Reactive/real time tinnitus HELP. REACTS TO EVERYTHING
Can’t take it anymore I need help omg
What are signs someone needs therapy?
What age did you recognize you looked visibly older and different?
Suffer so bad I want it to end
Therapy has saved my life
What is this: NOT A WORM update
President Biden and his first Great-Grandchild.
What is that one advice you guys want to give yourself for 2025? Like, say it out to you so that you always keep it in mind?
Paul McCartney and Joe Biden are the same age
Will I get fired for pot??
What age are most people suffering with BD? Age + some advice
Where rappers are more popular across the U.S
What makes you want to be younger again?