So why aren't INTPs called The Professor? Or similarly tropey stuff?
Dragon mod help please
Kylar's sensual dance so bad it actually turns you off
Bro how do I argue with someone who just uses completely emotional arguments and I can't even do anything about it
Another TBI gave me back my personality, ever heard of this?
I feel trapped
I'm in love with my best friend
Who bothered to decrypt the welcomebot's message?
INTP memory and age
Bi? Pan? Poly sexual? How did you figure out what to call yourself?
How do you deal with torture that nobody believes happened because it "doesn't happen here"?
how do you sleep? I feel like I can't sleep normally
My bestfriend raped me multiple times
What was your ‘I’m not man enough for this situation’?
GS season II animation change?
What's it like being a transgender person in the Netherlands?
Using images for a Perchance generator?
Semi waking?
What does it mean when a black snake bites you in your dream?
Confusing dreams with reality
Does anyone ever have dreams so real, that when you wake up it takes a minute to separate dreams from reality?
Is it normal to have dream friends? As in friends that only apper in dreams
How is the brain able to create nightmares similar to the conditions which the body is going through?
Rogue Hero Challenge