Found a note in the pocket of my new jeans
Need a random generator for generic trinkets
How do I let NPC's "run away?" My players hunt everything down with impunity.
Winter's Daughter in Shadowdark's Cursed Scrolls 2 setting
Running Winter's Daughter in a Cursed Scrolls setting
What's something your partner does that instantly turns you on?
Attempt at a Paladin class
How to manage random encounters?
I win, but i lose?
Which famous person confirms that attractiveness doesn't always depend on looks?
First session - group ran away from "in media res." Any advice?
Screw high paying white collar BS, what’s the funnest most fulfilling job you’ve ever done?
New dude, help
Which games have the biggest plot holes?
Help me get this adventure started
Rogue Core Update?
Feather cape is still the best cape.
Hollow by Annibale Siconolfi
Why wouldn’t Beyoncé just sing a song for Kamala at the rally?
Knight of St Ydris hit die
venturing to and fro has given a long life to adventure sites!
ADV for Fighter with soldier background?
JP Coovert's Dragon Town for Shadowdark! - JP's $100k stretch-goal is for me to make a full-blown adaptation of his 208 page adventure! Check out a preview chapter on the Kickstarter page, and please let me know if you have any questions!
Stat Mechanics List
Update: They've hatched!