Error on the summons?
Weekly Questions Megathread
Dokkan support sucks
No Y7 EZA details today
Should i coin them for the medals?
Please increase the quantity of films to over 9000!
How to proceed??
dokkan issue
Who should I pick with free stone?
Game crash
We need a way to distinguish character specific orbs!
Missions not clearing on JP?
How to get more Zeni
Guys why is this happening?
will they ever add a 'REVERSE DOKKAN AWAKEN ALL' button PLEASE
Vegita damage still available?
If you are having issues connecting to Dokkan [JP or Global] use mobile data instead of wifi.
Can't log in 😭
Im hoping that this will also serve as our countdown to the year 7 EZA details
Daily missions bugged!?
Bug in Daily & Weekend Missions ?
Does it really matter when I use my rainbow tickets?
Get a new unit or upgrade existing one
Help, stuck on panel missions
Sorry if this post counts as low effort, but do we know when the details for the 7th anni dokkanfest EZAs aredropping?