Anyone else ridiculously excited that Sam Raimi is making a return to directing horror movies?
I’m going to need a rundown of this sub by tomorrow morning
The Simpsons Collection
Guess where I went yesterday.
What character isn't necessarily autism-coded, but gives you autism vibes
Favorite character who’s the same race/ethnicity as you?
Titles that were wasted on their movie?
Darn I was planning on eating the box too
Blursed sign at work
why is Jesus portrayed in art as being Caucasian?
36 years ago today, Apu's ham expired
Anyone still use portable dvd players?
J.D. Vance is 108 years younger than Herbert Hoover, who could have met an 18 year old Donald Trump.
"I don't have my own sense of style so I buy loathsomely overpriced clothes that I can't even afford so people will think I have good taste" Starter Pack
This is important!
This boy got 4 of his Teeth removed today, he did soo great <3
What movie mad you cry the most?
Remember when actors had cool backstories?
Movies that you initially hated but grew to like, without even rewatching?
DVD players
Who is your favorite Hollywood creep?
What are the most random/unfitting movies in a director's filmography? For better or for worse
The creature!