Grappling dummies and online courses
AFF level 3 failed
Learning martial arts..... without risking head injury
Thoughts on the phrase "if you can't roll, don't smoke"?
How much is sparring an indicator of your skill level?
Do you have to love BJJ to do it long-term, given the chronic injury risk?
Canadian police loses mount control after using taser allowing suspect to grab an axe. Thankfully suspect arrested safely
Why do school require a specific time for each belt?
Why is there a double standard for martial arts from untrained people?
Is training muay thai once a week worth it?
I'm tired of being the "new stoner"
Untrained and got jumped at a bar
r/bjj Fundamentals Class!
Arthritis and BJJ
anyone diagnosed with POTS that still fun jumps?
Unexplainable fear
Want to start over
How often do you train?
What is the average price you pay per g?
I play poker professionally
Advice from A-B license folks
L'épisode que vous aimez pas ?
Death at Eloy
Elon Musk’s IQ and SAT
Question: is there a traditional French or Italian equivalent to cottage cheese?