Wukong new skin test
Carrot greatsword test
Ifrit's hammer test
H94/Phoren/AS/Brave 14
Expedition build
Stella 300K club
Hades Greatsword, Bladestorm + Whirlwind
Stella 300k club!
It's time to express your dissatisfaction to Habby.
The new trickster fist in game effect
Trickster Fist- test in PVE
Got it 😁
Please help - F2P best combo fishing shop rewards
Demonslayer Wukong skin in PVP
What does this bear do?
Melinda new skin
Pretty much Sums up the Fists vs Hammer debate
Guys skin bow or s random item ? F2P
Heracle’s Gauntlet with full HP?
Iris new skin
Zeus Shards or Belt Relic Shards?
Any takes on this relic?
What would you spend 50k on?
Should I go with a myth fist or hammer?