What do you pay on gas/electricity as a percentage of your earnings?
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
Do you have donut ice cream in the US?
Uber screwing us on a whole new level
Uber stock
It takes black ice & traffic at 5mph for miles to the airport for these crooks & low life pos’ to give us a little surge in KC!
I’m doing my part
Another week above $30/hour when everybody tells me here it’s impossible
Fuck you uber
What did you name your vehicle?
AITA for unplugging my fiancée’s phone (fully charged) to use my own charger when my phone was at 4%?
Just a few from my drive around town today.
$12,000 in CC debt PAID OFF after two years of struggling. i could cry.
Progress made
2k in 6 days yall can still do it!
This week in Atlanta
I love these types of days
Technically this is under my states minimum wage.
Week of Uber
My 1st week as a PT Uber Driver
Why do people give directions?
Confused as to why I got declined for Amex Platinum
You are given $25,000 to start a business. What do you do?