WB DIALGA, DOING ASAP: 741466408139
WB DIALGA RN, ADDING 10: 741466408139
Dialga WB on me: 741466408139
WB DIALGA ON ME: adding 10: 741466408139
LF: Lunar Mirrors (Jan30)
Another Wb dialga 623946210739
Dialga on me, adding 10: 741466408139
Ho Ohs 984954029061
LF first page FT second page
Looking for and offering per image, can fly, dm after commenting if possible
Looking for top, Offering bottom + some other shinies, costumes, legendaries, etc. that i cba to put on the image
Offering shiny legendary looking for lucky trades
Looking for 0FFERS, Offering below 👇, (read description for extra shinies I’ve recently caught) I can it fly
Looking for bagon offering bagon
Happy New Years!
Which to ETM
Is this good?
Is this worth leveling up?
To purify or not?
Looking for necrozma, offering necrozma
Looking for first 6 pages offering last 9 pages, can do 2-1 or 3-1 if needed
Purify or no?
Mega Latias, Shundo hunting, adding 10: 741466408139
Mega Latias on me add: 741466408139