Concerned the driver behind me could bump into me while shifting 1-2
to a T
What are raised bottom plant pots made for?
Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid
Is it normal to reach a "compromise" when boyfriend (47M) wants sex, but I'm (33F) too tired to have sex.
I (26F) slept with my boyfriend's (28M) friend before we were together. What is the best course of action now?
Pretty neon blue....
Paul v. Feyd fight
Where are the tow police when you need them?
What the hell
Can you slowly dial down the drinking?
What is this bug what do I do😭😭😭😭😭😭
Coming up on 100 plants/succulents, how do y'all keep track of yours?
My favorite SYSK episodes
Strike nursing
Can teething cause depressed dog moods?
A little jaunt to our little falls
first time working as an RN in LTC
Can I save my orchids?
When you rip one and your PAPR intake is on your hips.
Is it worth a pay cut of around $5/hour to move from inpatient to outpatient?
Interview for med surg cardiac unit…feeling nervous
Acute inpatient management of prolapsed uterus/vagina?
My sister is scared of being alone in the city at night
My sister is scared of being alone at night in the city
My sister is scared of being alone in the city