Any movies that take place in just ONE single day from beginning to end?
Which CF filaments have larger carbon particles?
Why isn't this sketch fully defined? Every other measurement prompts the over-defined error.
How to save your AMS 😆
Thinking about ditching my honeycomb wall system…
People from the USA: What would you do if Quebec decided to turn off the electricity that goes toward the whole New England territory and you cannot watch the Super Bowl?
Do you see value in having a window to see your Silica Gel beads?
Don’t lie to me. Is it done for?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Small hole Drill Guide for Multiboard (Based on the small Thread T-bolt)
You are sent back in time 25 years for 1 hour, and you have 1 hour to prepare. What do you prepare and what do you do for your 1 hour?
The band's name is a line from your favorite movie. Just the line not the movie. Let those who reply guess the movie and all can play.
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Multimaterial Stack File
I was convinced I wanted the P1S but now I'm looking at the Kobra line... Thoughts?
What’s the adult equivalent of realizing that Santa Claus doesn’t exist?
What do you call your WIFI network?
BambuConnect has been pwned
Orca Slicer dev's statement on The Situation
Can you stack multiple gift card vouchers from the makerworld point store to buy a printer?
Fillamentum Sale
Royal Navy Nuclear Submarine Surfaced Next To Russian Spy Ship To Send A Clear Message
What would be a good alternative for an AMS printer?
I’ve lost $700k what the fuck do I do?
Words you still can’t pronounce