Difference between being pregnant in your 20's or late 30's?
How is everyone’s GAS
OMG, we see it, right?!
Maternity Clothes?
How to feel happy?
Late so I decided to take a test
Is anyone not announcing on social media?
16 DPO after 1 yr TTC
First ultrasound!
MIL doesn’t want to be called “grandma”
24 DPO & 5W+5D - When did you stop testing?
How many people have had one miscarriage and then had successful pregnancies?
11 or 12 DPO - we see this right?!
13 DPO.. Am I really pregnant?
When did you tell your kids?
Unknown DPO, 4-5 weeks pregnant HCG levels checked after
18 DPO/CD 31
BFP 14dpo after negative 10 dpo
Two week wait
CD 23 my first positives!
11 dpo
12 DPO update from yesterday
20 DPO update FRER & Pregmate results
First dye stealer! 24 DPO. Period 10 days late. Need to make first appointment.
17 DPO and I am SO EXCITED