He ended it after sex… Am I wrong for thinking I was used?
Uni when you’re 21
I think I messed up… Is it bad to kiss on the third date?
Impulsive break up
Should I stay in the relationship to avoid him getting hurt
What were the hardest topics you learnt in all your subjects?
For those who study (have studied) psychology. Why did you choose psychology and not medicine? (Psychiatrist)
What would you choose if not medicine?
Soooo… Hate me but I have to say it…
Am I good enough for psychiatry
What jobs can I do after a masters in psychology?
How do I become a psychologist in the UK?
I got a first!
A place to stay as an Erasmus
What are the consequences for lying about a family death to Uni ?
Is a turnitin score of 18% bad?
How has your loss changed you as a person?
Will my diss get marked down for this?
How long has it been since your father passed?
Extenuating circumstances
Accidentally smoked spice and missed my exam, what can I do?
WIBTA for divorcing my wife because she couldn’t handle me crying in front of her?
How the hell do I survive when my loan doesn’t cover rent?
Academic misconduct meeting
Is it possible to get a 2:1 or even a first if you get a 2.2 in second year?