Who in the IDF decides on this editing? It's so overdramatized it comes off as propagandistic and unrealistic. Why not just make the points clear and inarguable instead of attempting to make it look like some low budget true crime series?
Who’s Your Favorite Interracial Couple ?
No more open-air prison
Which animated show has you like this?
Who does this apply to the most?
What's a show you hate but everyone else loves
Got my Ghost dirty 😄
How did you get introduced to star wars?
Favorite character who’s the same race/ethnicity as you?
You are a producer of a cartoon, and you have 4 sets of actors to lend their voices for your characters. Which set of voice actors are you picking?
What's your favorite nostalgic show that barely anyone has heard of?
Scott has the perfect chance now to show that FNAF IS NOT and NEVER WAS for children, with this new wave of Mimic content, I don't think he will soften the story he himself created, for other media.
Israeli Christian’s do you consider yourself Arab
How would cal react to finding out about the clone chips
P5A vs P3 movies?
Non Jewish immigration
Please help me choose a Star Wars game! Which one should I buy? I am open to any suggestions. I was thinking about outlaws or squadrons?
What Persona Should I Play? (Just tell me which one has the most 🔥 music)
type "Sonic &" and let Autocomplete finish it
The most horrifying thing about the fnaf universe
Chopper is actually speaking english in this scene if you listen carefully
congratulations to YUVAL RAPHAEL! Israel's representative for Eurovision 2025
if you get this you get a cookie 🍪
Laddies get your a man who look at you the same way Fenn looks at my rice cooker
I really wish someone would make a action/romance movie with Cal & Merrin. I simply love their romance.