Which look better
Gotti Austin - similar but cheaper
Unemployed for 4 months... Is my resume the issue?
How do I get an interview for an entry-level publishing role?
Downplaying title on resume. Yay or nay
I know a resume should be one page but can I make it double sided in my situation?
Are ATS scanners real?
Opinion on soft skills?
Grand Merchant Mod - I am assuming I'm being stupid
a 10/10 resume
Got this for Christmas today. Any tips for a new player who has never played any soulslike game?
Didn't know I was playing Deadlock: Tony Hawk Edition
Production Assistant Interview - Big 5
Guys I think I'm going insane
How do I ask my barber for Pocket's haircut without showing him a picture of Pocket?
Paradox Ult change
CV scanners / ATS recommendations? ****Uk based***
I like that nothing in this game is balanced, but there's one character that feels a little too overtuned...
Can someone explain how to barrage and melee attack with pocket?
Had this resume done "professionally" - not getting any interviews. What needs to be changed?
Is it worth it to try?
We have to talk about Yamato...
How long after a job interview does it take to hear back from the recruiter
Japanese literature in English