Why do Americans elect corrupt psychopats when they have this guy? Are they stupid?
Drunk And Good Head On Her Shoulders 😆 ❤️
Going out these days isn't the same as back then. Yesterday's price isn't today's price...
Today is 5 years since the U.S. declared public health emergency over COVID-19, what are your thoughts on the pandemic in retrospect?
If public data was used to train AI, then the public should have access to it, plain and simple.
Trump administration to cancel student visas of pro-Palestinian protesters
The chemicals in the water turn the friggin' frogs gay!
What country has the straightest coastline?
How Argentina went from being a “cheap country” in dollars to one of the most expensive in Latin America
Wall Street Enters Darker Age With Most Stock Trading Now Hidden
wtf Elon
How do you think Snoop feels about this?
Major rivers of Europe @mapograph YouTube
Replit CEO on AI breakthroughs: ‘We don’t care about professional coders anymore’
Joe stop being a pussy and bring him back on the pod!
I know how benefical semenretention is but I can't do it again
Simulation or history emulator
Wonder why the good men don't approach you? Here's why I think that is and how to fix it
Anything on Iran??
Just fucking wear shoe lifts
Being forced to wear this at work (Jack in the Box). They're threatening to write me up if I doesn't wear the shirt. Is this sexual harassment? What do I do?
Let’s be real, why are you still single?
XIM Cheaters Are Ruining Competitive Gaming: Ubisoft Must Act