To revenge the mistress of her cheating husband, she turned the mistress with her 8-month-old pregnant baby into a human specimen
Films like this image?
What’s a movie that takes you back to your childhood?
Any detective movies with a dark tone similar to The Batman, Se7en, and Dexter?
Just wanted to share my progress
So I Married an Axe Murderer
Honestly my favorite part of Brookhaven Hospital, it's so chilling
Bruh, these brows are tragic!
Frank. Oil on board.
Foods you hate that everyone seems to love?
Who’s your favorite mumblecore actor? I’ll start
Roses in a glass
Just finished! Taking name suggestions!
Mushroom cake!
Title ideas
Need help with big black blocks cover up
"Visibilia ex invisibilibus" Abstract, Oils
Watermelon salad, spicy shrimp topped with habanero honey, and bread with oil and vinegar
What would be the first thing you would do if you were in the backroom?
Movies you wouldn't even want your mortal enemy to watch
Can my back be reworked/ covered.
Opinions? Acrylic on canvas.
He’s Staring Right At You
Bite-sized gourmet sausages enrobed in a golden, crispy batter, served with a duo of refined tomato and mustard condiments.
Untitled [analog]