Ranking the teeth in One Piece
Played with a suction cup, it's been two days
Hot take: It’s completely reasonable to have a rating distribution like this:
Who is this dude ?
Other than Lies of P, what's the non-fromsoft game most similar to the Soulsborne formula?
Ranking secret areas by how secret they are.
When did you start to love Radiant?
[Personal Opinion] I know you're supposed to be scary but something about you is strangely endearing
Which of the first 10 TCG Structure Decks (not including starter decks) is your favourite? Would have to think more about my favourite but Spellcaster's Judgement was my first ever deck.
Describe people based on their top 4
What would it be 🤔
Game is full of COWARDS.
Was told to post this here as well. Zero awareness lmao
How good would it be to have anime characters as mates in MD? I always write this suggestion on every survey but it seems I'm part of a minority.
Benson Boone front flips off a piano at the Grammys
I've never been punched starter pack
I’m a Federal Worker. Elon Musk’s Government Data Heist Is the Entire Ballgame.
Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO has sold 5 million copies worldwide
One Piece Chapter 1139 Spoilers
Was ist guter Dirty-Talk auf Deutsch?
My pesto had a funky taste, discovered the main ingredient was green olives
What are some examples where the "Harder Boss = Better Boss" trend is NOT true for you?
Menschen, die Datingapps nutzen: Wonach entscheidet ihr, ob ihr nach rechts oder links swiped?
Someone did not close the rice cooker lid properly
In shape to ordinary to at worst slightly overweight but are treated like their obese