Las17 is insane power creep.
The latest update was incredibly beneficial to the bot war, but stop calling for nerfs because of that.
A step in the right direction
Fire resistant armour makes you immune to the Las-17 self damage.
When we march into the Gloom or fight the full squid force, can this community NOT cry for nerfs on the first day?
4K Quality really looks better than 1440p native (both are using 1440p internal resolution)[imgsli]
PTB - changelog
Garbage interceptors boring bombers and the state of ANS carriers
So I know Ogryns are the weakest class, but....
SDM1/2 Missiles are hybrids and should be ANS only.
Remember when they used to make photorealistic games in 2007, and they ran on old 2007 hardware?
5080 price to value in Aus?
This is how hard Khutan has to work for ONE DEFLECT against a hero with chain HA
Fighter help. Tato not attack S1 anti fighter missle
Act4 trial in nutshell
LPT: If someone is being rude to you in a public setting (especially customer service), stay calm and confidently ask, ‘Are you okay?’ It flips the script instantly.
It's time to repeat the cycle, Fatshark.
Dragons Dogma Series is 7th best selling Capcom game series with 13 Million units solds.
He has mediocre buffs/debuffs and a bad slow. His DPS is worse than most characters not named Rosetta. What's your opinion? This is mostly Endgame with maxed Echo/Warpath/Supp/Luci Sigils etc.
EO Targeting ball
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best), how well is this game balanced?
How in the holy missile barrage?
No expense spared
Help me design a missile for screening approaching bombers.