what do i need to replace/fix?
Ich bin komplett am Ende.
VR Help
Sehtest richtig entziffert?
Just want to share this with you.
I don't think im getting a better launch than this anytime soon lmao
Question to the FOV-Police
Putzreste von Klinker entfernen.
How do I fix this obvious layer line on all my prints? I suppose I need to equalise the print speed in that area somehow??
Finally Fixed my Random Stutter Issue
Not for a Million Dollar.
Selbst gebauter Gaderobenschrank, was mache ich mit den Fugen
Not a bad week :)
As a beginner, should I try to trail brake every turn?
I'm sry to the guy i ran into (cost him a podium) but for next time, is there anything i can do to avoid contact after i ran into the grass? It was my 2nd race btw so don't judge me
New Fear unlocked Ski Lift Started Running in Reverse
Some Quality Degenerate Spotter Behavior
Don’t laugh. I’m having a blast!
Weiß jemand was in der Sonnemannstr. passiert ist?
WIDA Se*ueller Übergriff auf der Arbeit
Erdkabel verlegen - schon nach 5-7cm Steine
Welcome to the 3k club!
Tool for instant telemetry analysis
Have I brought the right equipment? - brand new to sim racing
CSL dd not showing up in software