Need help understanding the “foresight ability”
Which of the these Traitor Primarchs is the closest to ‘defecting’ back to the Imperium?
Is there really any primary source on Lucius being oh so depressed or tortured about dying and not being able to rematch his opponents, or is that purely meme lore?
Was the Emperor’s Webway plan really the only viable option? Could the cadian pylons provide an alternative?
In London town streets When there's darkness and fog
The Emperors plan for Magnus Sitting on the Golden Throne... but as a reward, not punishment.
The Eldar novel Valedor will be getting an audiobook release!
Is there any way the orks could be permanently stopped?
Analogous to a mortal ascending to daemonhood, is it possible for a daemon to "descend" to mortalhood?
Magnus The Red Question
How are there still CSM after ten thousand years of skirmishes?
[Multiple Excerpts] No, Tzeentch did not gave up absolute power to not win the Great Game.
Fascinating Quotes & Tidbits from Inferno
Which faction needs a MASSIVE leap forward but also take a few steps back?
A Modest Propsal for 40k
Lords of Thunder chapter sheet by TheGraffitiSoul
What does a chaos marine think about the demons of his gods
So how has Khorne not just won the whole galaxy at this point?
Question about the Emperor
In the grim darkness of the far future there are no stupid questions!
What part of 40k ISN'T absurd enough for you?
Which would you rather be, an entry-level Slaaneshi Cultist, or an Imperial Astropath?
Best Traitor Legion Gene to Create Loyalist Space Marine Chapters With
Could Ynnead be a choas god?