Since Sabbath is calling quits I’m on a Black Sabbath binge what albums should I listen to 🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿 especially the non Osborne and Dio songs
Das war zu befürchten!
What's the deal with all of the stupid posts recently?
How would you rate my collection? I have just started.
Was habe ich hier (mir ein-)gefangen? -Silberfischchen vs. Papierfischchen - Und wie werde ich es wieder los?
Any band with a black woman as a singer?
Uniquely amazing shoes!!
Good Places to Buy CDs?
KULT ???
Klassiker aber immer noch witzig
Any love For Venom?
Who is it?
Hoffe das war es dem Fahrer wert
Found the 2nd Abbey Road pressing for $6!
Leute, die ihren Job absolut lieben – was macht ihr beruflich?
A young man demonstrating against low pay for teachers. He left school to earn $21 a week whilst his teacher was earning less than $18 a week.
Wohnen im Mikrohaus
Ist das was die Kölner einen "Halve Hahn" nennen?
Rip your CDs as you get them.
this is my no inner labia 🐱 i’m so glad i found this sub lol 🤍🤍
Is it wrong to have controversial artists in my collection?
Meinung zur Eifel?