Want to tank, don’t want to be a warrior
Blizzard thinking..
Charging for tanking: A tank's perspective
TBCC #somechanges
Are you doing every dungeon possible during the leveling process?
Alterac valley bs??
Advice on chest slot
Locked out of Dungeons
WTH are mages
Grouping with the hero class
Non-Americans be like
First time playing Classic, and today I finally hit level 60! Despite all the skepticism about Paladins not being able to tank, I’ve tanked every dungeon on my way to max level—and man, it has been so much fun!
Which professions for casual gold making?
What to do in fresh realms when I know I'll re-roll as Blood Elf?
Just got scammed out of all my gold on classic anniversary server.
How Much Gold Do You All Have?
First time playing wow classic.
Classic vs retail leveling...
Its not hard ...
Enjoyable professions for a mage (new to classic)
Is Classic Fresh going too fast, too slow, or just right?
Need help choosing class. What's the most fun and engaging class in PvE/PvP?
Why is PvE Horde so barren?
First raid with SR loot system - it was amazing!
How can I (F28) find the fun in WoW so I can enjoy playing with my partner (M32)?