I miss air drops :(
No counter Hackclaw ult in operations
back in my day we shot legs to make ends meet
New skins for D-Wolf, Stinger, Shepherd, & Uluru.
Item exchange pointless for the vast majority of things
Thank you RIP Ammo
For people with multiple screens and or overlay FPS issues
Operator and weapon skins should only be visible to you and your teammates
Disable squad fill for naked players
How is this possible
The new 3v3v3 mode is SICK!!
Hot Zone (3v3v3) tip for people just jumping in
Can we get more random weapon parts as found loot in Operations?
This is a PSA
Mantis for dummies: How i got to diamond in one week. (I LITERALLY JUST DID THIS)
Hate the zombies pause timer
Best quick scope class to cut down on flinch please
Mom said it was my turn to make a “4 years of development” post
Double Xp my ass
How to use the new SMG *for free*! (I'ts a bug, probably server side checks doesn't work except in multiplayer.)
There's skins for everyone.
I think I f**ked up. Sorry guys
Why is SR so broken in Ranked?
Have you ever seen finger play like this?
Why did we remove this feature? It would avoid so many people joining and leaving mid game