Why is a Tamil circle jerk club full of non-tamil people shoving their political opinions down my throat?
ஊனில் ஆவி / ஊன் நிலாவி
classical Tamil literature Text Corpus as Text files with explanation
What does "கண்ணால் எதையோ பார்த்தீக காயா பழமா கேட்டீக" mean in the song "சுத்தி சுத்தி வந்தீக"
what is this kumari kandam bro
Probably a repost no shitpost it is
why is “kow” in tamil கௌ and not something like கைா
North Indians will always hate & look down upon South Indians no matter what.
Title: Why do people hammer flag poles into the pavement like this
How can Vijay fight corruption when he surrounds himself with corrupt people and operates through them?
What's with the sudden admiration of the Cholas by Vadakku media?
77 years ago the RSS was banned by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
What's your favourite empire
Sensitive topic. Is it wrong to identify as a Brahmin
How many of you will marry intercaste
Caste discrimination without knowing
I write Tamil poetry in செய்யுள் form
What a legend! True words even after 50 years!
Distribution of Net Proceeds of Union Taxes and Duties as per the (Budget Estimate) to HINDI States and SOUTH INDIAN States for the Financial Year 2025-2026 (₹ in Crore)
Do young Indians (under 30) believe in Hinduism?
Unfortunately, no one gonna talk about the stampede. தியான்மென் சதுக்கம் பற்றி எல்லாம் பேசும் சங்கிக இதைப் பேசுவாங்களா?
The hospital I went to had 70/80 dead bodies in just one hospital, The government is hiding the data If there were 70/80 dead bodies in just one hospital then what would have been the condition of all the hospitals in Allahabad
Which religion do you believe in and why?
Hindu temple idols lam Buddha oda idols nu pudhu uruttu ah iruku...and he even mentions buddism was mainly worshipped by ancient people of india and no other religion.....!
So what do you all think of this guy's statment about Tamil cinema in 2024?