Why John Gaiden didn't use the True Dragon Sword from the beginning and end it all quickly? Is he stupid?
Before Ryu was born, there was prime Joe Hayabusa.
Getting into the series, made my own Master Collection based off the subs recommendation!
John walking bug
Two years after my first post. And a lot people still didn't talked about it.
All of them are in the same room. Who will come out alive?
Fan art-pls don’t judge I had to contemplate a lot before posting this here
What is up with this lil fella?
The Ishtaros request! Here you go! Currently I am making another art requested by someone and once I’m done I’ll take more requests!
Who is canonically stronger? The Holy Emperor, Dark Dragon or Archfiend Vazdah.
Hmm, John? What are you doing? HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT
Did this actually happen? Never played the game
Can the DOA ninjas defeat Genshin?
Let's be honest. Which one is literally the worst Ninja Gaiden game ever in the franchise?
Ngl I'd smash arthurs corpse. He's so hot
Who would win?
Which one is the strongest.
He's a business man.
a lot of people didn't talked about it.