Irish Jag (Courtasy of wikimedia commons [Kieran White from Manchester, England] Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic - I added the irish paint job)
For when COVID-19 is over
Swapped out thrift stores for military surplus stores
My new summer suit, it’s a cotton/linen blend, unlined and unstructured, 4 shell buttons, the trousers have a fishtail back and tin buttons as well as a back cinch.
Beginner binoculars for under $100?
Why are letters so baffling to AI?
[Serious] What's the most amazing thing you wish you could experience again?
Something appears to be growing on the screen of my calculator
The beach at night 🌌
Reflections of the Moon and Venus
Late night at Morro Bay
PSA: Be careful buying vintage surveying gear, the market is full of indian repos
Introducing family to my writing Discussion
Need help styling this
Introducing family to my writing
Sometimes I do like a plain tie
TIFU by asking the cops for drugs
TIFU by getting into a random’s man car
TIFU, I punctured my testicle
Any Tips?
Dad won't let me use my brand new bike past 4pm??
Yo, I just got Questudio Kids like before 2 days, cuz I had TikTok lol. How do I delete it without parents knowing? Bypass anything. I just WANNA get rid of it. My dad is said that its impossible to bypass is it, but you can bypass most of stuff, just help a teen out.
My mom found out about my appointment 10 minutes after I scheduled it
Charity shops are choking on unsellable donations