Two songs that sound the best back to back
Just started Rdr 2 any suggestions??
Bonjour, mes amis! It's Dolo and Goody! Got a question for us? Ask us anything!
maybe maybe maybe
one word 🥋
Anik Archambault (Kim Cloutier) is a Fucking Smokeshow
Son bought his first car 😀 but only has tape player, Dad had to pass on the vintage tapes from his teenage years ❤️
Best food to mix shrooms with??
What's your favorite song from FBD
Brazeau gets tripped into Markstrom, who needs help off the ice. Brazeau gets 2 minutes for goaltender interference
What is your Pantera “deep cut?"
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
What are facts about Pantera that every Pantera Fan should know?
Since when has it been lame to like Pantera?
Bands that sound like Pantera?
You got a dip?
What's your opinion on Pantera?
What’s everyone’s opinions on Pantera
Club Dread (2004)
Your favourite activities on shrooms?
New one.
Floods outro
Far Beyond Driven vs Vulgar Display of Power
Favorite dime riff per album?
Does anyone here ever trip without a trip sitter?
What is your favorite Pantera song and why?