Average Crypto Investor Managing His $25 Portfolio
What’s something that sounds like a lie, but it’s 100% true?
Bitcoin ATMs are being installed in all Costco stores across the US
What’s something you learned as an adult that you wish you knew as a teenager?
Is any of you familiar with pumpfun?
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you win a gold medal in?
What is the purpose of congress if a US president can write unlimited executive orders for whatever they want?
Whats a beautiful girl name to you ?
What’s a video game item or ability you wish existed in real life?
What do you make of President Trump's plans to dismantle the Education Department?
Discussion : 100 Facts: 0
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?
Complete the thread
What is the highest number of answers you received for a single post in this sub?
Could it get even worse
What’s something that is universally hated?
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever accidentally said in public?
What’s a conspiracy theory you 100% believe, no matter how wild it sounds?
What’s the weirdest or most random thing you’ve Googled recently?
What’s the best way to communicate with aliens?
What dinner is quick, easy and healthy?
If you had a theme song whenever you enter somewhere, what would it be?
For anyone who forgave a cheating partner, how’d it turn out?
And SORA is beautiful!