What's your DnD opinion that has you like this?
I’m set for wipe and I’m still addicted to farming PvP and bosses.
Average Arena Ranking for Players
Scimitars for Rogues, make it happen.
Hypothetically, for no reason in particular, how much resourcefulness would I need to reduce shield bash to zero cool down.
My dad was army. What would the process for becoming a senior member include.
Creating a campaign for dnd based off primal hunter
villys comeback run and jake’s run are Universal 🙏 😭 (SPOILERS)
My Unhinged Rant about Primal Hunter
Just a tiny bit of reading
Rate the setup
Think I may have found a bug in Reddit going to try
So elemental arrows....
Rate my kit
Are airsoft shotguns underrated?
How long can you leave an olympic style recurve strung up if you use it regularly?
Done with series