Uber/Lyft at 5am?
I (25f) reconnected with an old friend (25m) and now I can old seem to see the negatives in my partner (34m) and am considering leaving. How do I address this issue with my partner?
Fundraising advice?
Funding a Service Dog via Candy Sales
Funding A Service Dog Via Candy Sales
AITA for telling my child’s daycare teacher that my child won’t finish cleaning up?
Issues with cate and separation anxiety
You get paid $120,000 a year and have to work at least 40 hours a week, but you can work any job that you want. What job do you pick?
AITA? I bought my cousin’s daughter a $4K gift for Christmas and ended up spending more on her than her mother did. AITA for not checking with her mother first?
What do you think about open relationships ?
What have you managed to avoid your whole life?
AITA for having a college fund come with conditions?
AITA for letting my daughter keep her cat
AITA because someone caused an accident while raging that I was in the left lane?
AITA for not telling my BF about my past with porn?
AITA for taking autistic daughter to psychiatric hospital on my other daughters birthday?
AITA for refusing to let a guide dog into my pub because I'm deathly allergic to animals?
AITA for calling my wife heartless for not wanting to adopt our niece and nephew?
What did you splurge on this Christmas, just because you could?
What minor inconvenience drives you fucking insane?
IF you got to pick any career/job and earned $400,000 no matter what, what career/job would you pick?
AITA for being too heavy a sleeper? It bothers my husband, now that we are about to have a baby.
AITA for Refusing to Pay Full Medical Bill from Dog Bite
Post your dogs actual name, then below list all the other names you call them for some reason.
WIBTA if I taught my mother to block websites from our router