PS5 Disc Owners - Shoot the best deal you've bought your PS for
How many of you have PS Plus, and which tier are you subscribed to?
Haves vs Have-nots in India
Need advice - PSN+ Deluxe or Buying games
He's getting a lot of hate and dozens of abuses for this tweet, but the sad thing is that most of them are from his community . As a community, where are they headed?
How much does beef cost in your state?
Personal Opinion - muslims are quite successful in business
How much meat do you buy from France?
Requirements for Data Science
Is a 305 GRE Score Enough for a Master of Science in Informatics at UZH?
Anyone Interested in Building a Stardew Valley-Like Game with Co-op Features?
fields of mistria on mac with wine
[pathetic]10rs as platform fee, this is nuts.
RDR on Mac
Would she be okay if he spit in the food (just like Muslims have been doing) and give her?
That's a Wrap (For Now)! 🎉
Looking for a Cleaner Alternative to for Watching Synced Local Movies
A tutorial on how to create a SVE Server with Shockbyte
Firestore Document Reads Clarification
How Can I Read JSON File Contents in Templater Script in Obsidian?
Need Advice on Visa Delay and Deferment for University of Geneva Admission
Looking for Experiences and Pricing Info for Foyer George Williams in Geneva
Swiss Student D Visa Delay – What Happens if I Start in February Instead of September?
Need Advice: Swiss Student D Visa Delay – What Happens if I Start in February Instead of September?