Drippiest Druid you've ever seen
Slayer Fighter - how do you make it work?
Appreciation Post: this game has insane depth and is a blast to learn
Correct use of fire orb.
Am I the only one getting mobbed from 1 module distance because someone agroed everything and closed the door?
Why Bloodstained Blade has to be so goddamn loud?
Feels I've reached a ceiling
Feels like I've reached a ceiling
How to get really better at combat?
Hotfix #78
Interactions should be cancelled if you take a hit.
Is it viable to hunt for specific drops? (minor artifacts)
Seriously why can they use longswords?
Spectral Knight question (for this Actual Season)
All this talk about balance and content...
Rate my NOT meta Build inspired in PoE's (Pillars of Eternity) character Durance.
The Balance Bandaid
Gibe me ideas for an artifact
Druids can get into HR 125-224 Bracket with full epic BIS gear on every slot.
help me understand some stuff
Is teaming OK?
Solasta vs tabletop
Items for a shadow sorcerer?