Das ist im Leben nicht möglich, oder? Der Montierhebel würde durchbrechen, wenn ich es wirklich durchziehen würde
What are the chances of a smaller iPhone really?
What an absolute piece of sh**
Unhinged people
Desperately seeking content
Is anyone jumping ship?
Nike dropped their final Premier League ball and it’s a throwback to T90.
At what point in this man’s life does he realize that the undersized Plain White T’s are doing him absolutely zero favours?
DTW is the best album of all time, what the FUCK man, how could I ignore this band for so many years?!
On the latest video, I wonder how much of the air fare was covered by the sponsor Betterhelp.com. Just out of curiosity really. But also, it seems Betterhelp has a controversial past.
Is iPhone 13 mini good for 400$. I found one on ebay brand new. I prefer small phones. I am using J5 2016 and it is too slow for me. But its battery stays for whole day i mean i think battery will be no problem for me(I dont use phones often) or i should go with SE 3rd on ebay brand new
Why do Americans only get 2 weeks off for vacation a year? It’s ridiculous.
Listened to Clarity at full length for the first time yesterday after ignoring most songs for years and what the fuck man, one of the best albums of all time
Thinking of getting 13 mini from Swappie
Tried a Matte Screen protector. It’s really nice!
Point bar show strong people to real happy pic old gold!!!!" Strong pic. dedlef d ay back day 455 before car assidents!!!!!!" Major!!!!!!" Real hope like lord barn door back!!!"
Im Büro nichts zu tun, also bleibe ich zuhause - Chef reagiert darauf unklar
Prince looking yuge in Bards new IG story - another appearance but Chucky as well
Calorie burn during 2k swim- accurate? Verity Sense
They spare no expense at the stunning Peninsula London
How much do we think Tim leans into a character?
Is it ok to buy lostprophets merch?
This is the new walk with me Tim where you can speak freely. Just maybe leave the kid alone
Watch that measures heart rate underwater as accurate as possible
Cigar tasting in most recent video