Pixel Tribe: Invite Code (Use for 100 free gems)
Just got into maining Valk and I have only one question/request.
Valkyrie's New Armour looks great, however.....
New CrossBow [New Attachments]
I never have been one to complain about hit detection, but something is clearly wrong here. Or am I just that bad?
I suck at making emblems, but I have an idea and need some advice.
Question about DLC weapons in offline mode + overall question about the bots in WWII
Playstation Users, I have a question for you.
Make your player talk?
Suppressors. Forgive me if I'm wrong but...
The Stone Circle?
Hitmarker Armor Symbol
Axis customization sucks
Hey SHG, Are y'all working with the NSA or something?
Can we get the ability to examine the Axis uniforms?
Didn't Sledgehammer put out a hotfix for some bugs?
DLC 3 Axis Uniforms
I am boycotting this game until shield is removed.
Should I be worried? (Other than just being awful at this game .. i mean)
Anyone have a good image of the Axis Cavalry Soldier?
Genuinely the most fun I've ever had.
Now that we have a claymore...
A few fun facts about The King
Make the throwing knives glow or something